Tamil Profile

Tamil Profile

Story of Tamil

Tamil can look back on a literary history spanning more than 2,000 years. The oldest surviving Tamil testimonies are stone inscriptions from 245 B. C. Since then many important works on the grammar of the Tamil language have been preserved.

In addition to this ancient writing tradition, Tamil is a modern and functional language that has adapted flexibly to changing times. In addition to the Sanskrit vocabulary, there are also many new words from the English language in Tamil.

Tamil is spoken in different countries nowadays. However, as an official language only in the three countries India (Tamil Nadu), Singapore and Sri Lanka. Especially the Tamil in Sri Lanka is considered to be the most beautiful Tamil. In this type, a different vocabulary is used in addition to the pronunciation.

What is the best way to learn Tamil?


First of all, you should have a rough look at the alphabet and become familiar with it. 

Take a look at our PDF.

Tip: Tamil is written from left to right in horizontal lines, just like English


After you have an overview of the alphabet, it makes sense to look at the 12 vowels and learn them.


After you have learned the 12 vowels continue with the 18 consonants.


Once you have memorized these two basic building blocks, start with the Tamil basics.

How do I learn the pronunciation?

The best way to learn pronunciation is with someone who speaks Tamil as their first language. The guide below is only a rough approximation of the Tamil pronunciation using English words. Even if you are good at learning written Tamil, speaking with an accent will negate most of your efforts. If you want to speak Tamil without an English (or other languages) accent, it can be helpful to have your own accent recorded - you might be surprised when you hear your own.

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