Tamil Vowels: அ, இ, உ, ஆ, ஈ, ஊ, எ, ஏ, ஒ, ஓ, ஐ and ஔ

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Learn the vowels in Tamil

Welcome to our Tamil vowel learning resource! Are you new to the Tamil language and looking to improve your pronunciation and understanding of its complex vowel system? Look no further! Here, you will find a comprehensive guide to the 12 Tamil vowels, including their pronunciation, examples of words that use them, and tips on how to distinguish between similar-sounding vowels. Whether you are a beginner learner or an advanced speaker looking to fine-tune your skills, this resource is for you. So let's get started on your journey to fluency in Tamil!

Tamil has 12 vowels. They are:

These vowels are classified into three categories: short, long, and diphthongs. The short vowels are அ (a), இ (i), and உ (u). The long vowels are ஆ (ā), ஈ (ī), ஊ (ū), எ (e), ஏ (ē), ஒ (o), and ஓ (ō). The diphthongs are ஐ (ai) and ஔ (au).

Tamil vowel அ (a)

This vowel is pronounced like the "a" in "father." To produce this sound, keep your mouth open and your tongue relaxed.


Tamil vowel ஆ (aa)

 This vowel is pronounced like the "a" in "father," but held for a longer duration. To produce this sound, keep your mouth open and your tongue relaxed, and sustain the sound for a longer period of time.


Tamil vowel இ (i)

This vowel is pronounced like the "ee" in "see." To produce this sound, your tongue should be positioned towards the front of your mouth, and your lips should be slightly rounded.


Tamil vowel ஈ (ee)

This vowel is pronounced like the "ee" in "see," but held for a longer duration. To produce this sound, your tongue should be positioned towards the front of your mouth, your lips should be slightly rounded, and you should sustain the sound for a longer period of time.


Tamil vowel உ (u)

This vowel is pronounced like the "oo" in "moon." To produce this sound, your lips should be rounded and your tongue should be positioned towards the back of your mouth.


Tamil vowel ஊ (oo)

This vowel is pronounced like the "oo" in "moon," but held for a longer duration. To produce this sound, your lips should be rounded and your tongue should be positioned towards the back of your mouth, and you should sustain the sound for a longer period of time.


Tamil vowel எ (e)

This vowel is pronounced like the "a" in "hate." To produce this sound, your tongue should be positioned towards the front of your mouth and your lips should be slightly open.


Tamil vowel ஏ (ae)

This vowel is pronounced like the "a" in "hate," but held for a longer duration. To produce this sound, your tongue should be positioned towards the front of your mouth, your lips should be slightly open, and you should sustain the sound for a longer period of time.


Tamil vowel ஐ (ai)

This vowel is a diphthong and is pronounced like the "i" in "mine." To produce this sound, your tongue should be positioned towards the front of your mouth and your lips should be slightly open.


Tamil vowel ஒ (o)

This vowel is pronounced like the "o" in "note." To produce this sound, your lips should be rounded and your tongue should be positioned towards the back of your mouth.


Tamil vowel ஓ (oa)

This vowel is pronounced like the "o" in "note," but held for a longer duration. To produce this sound, your lips should be rounded and your tongue should be positioned towards the back of your mouth, and you should sustain the sound for a longer period of time.


Tamil vowel ஔ (ow)

This vowel is a diphthong and is pronounced like the "ow" in "cow." To produce this sound, your lips should be rounded and your tongue should be positioned towards the back of your mouth.


Tamil Vowel Game

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